Coffee Cauliflower Creme Brûlée & Cauliflower Caramel Creme Brûlée

Anything Pumpkin makes me happy. I look forward to the fall every year, to make grain free Pumpkin breads, cookies, pies, and more. This year, I was asked to create a new recipe for The Retreat Costa Rica Menu.

Instead of re-creating the wheel, I used our Cauliflower Creme Brûlée recipe. (Link to Blog) And switched things up a bit.

The results were amazing, delightful, smooth, creamy, and delicious. Irresistible and easy to make.The cauliflower adds the “eggy” flavor you want in your creme brûlée.

Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving!

Coffee Cauliflower Caramel Creme Brûlée


2 cups steamed cauliflower

3/4 cup organic coconut milk

½  cup concentrated coffee

1 tablespoon maple syrup

½ cup coconut sugar

3 tablespoons unflavored gelatin

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

½ teaspoon salt


First, steam the cauliflower and mash. 

In a small pot, preheat the coconut milk, then add the gelatin, salt, vanilla, the coconut sugar and maple syrup.

Make a ½ cup of concentrated coffee.

Mix all ingredients with the mashed cauliflower and the coffee. Place mixture into ramekins or decorative ceramic dishes and chill in refrigerator to set.



Sprinkle coconut or cane sugar over top of mixture and flambé with a kitchen torch. Be careful not to over burn (caramel will turn bitter).  Serve cold.

Cauliflower Caramel Creme Brûlée


2 cups steamed cauliflower

1 cup organic coconut milk

¼ cup maple syrup

½ teaspoon lucuma powder

3 tablespoons unflavored gelatin

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

½ teaspoon salt



First, steam cauliflower and mash. 

Mix the maple syrup and lúcuma, making a paste.

In a small pot, preheat the coconut milk, then add the gelatin, salt, vanilla, and the maple syrup-lucuma paste.

Mix all ingredients into the mashed cauliflower. Place mixture into ramekins or decorative ceramic dishes and chill in refrigerator to set.



Sprinkle coconut or cane sugar over top of mixture and flambé with a kitchen torch. Be careful not to over burn (caramel will turn bitter).  Serve cold.

Diana Stobo