The One Missing Ingredient to True Love

It was imperative that I address ‘True Love’ this month. I began to think about how we love and what love means to us.
As a collective, we look at love as a feeling in ways outside of ourselves.

I love you.
I love this movie.
I love burritos
I love driving long distance
I love fashion and chocolates.

And it is seldom, as a collective, that we really look at Love as a universal truth, a way of being in the world, a way of feeling each day.
How can we feel the universal truth, when we are so caught up in our ways of thinking?

I am busy
I have so much to do today
I am exhausted
I don’t have a boyfriend
I need a drink

And in the way that we all think and live is our way to survive. We know and understand..what we know and understand.
And the far-reaching truth is there are some things we just can’t wrap our heads around.

And that is Acceptance.

Acceptance of what is…..

Now, I can hear your ‘ monkey mind’ saying, well that’s just lazy to settle for “what is” that is not proactive and productive.
How does “acceptance” pay the bills, and give me the life I want?
“Acceptance is a failure to move forward, and how can I accept that my car won’t run, or my cat is sick, or I hate my job”?

And herein lies the work.
Acceptance is not “being ok” with what is.
Acceptance is seeing life for what it is and changing your perspective on the story.

“It may be time for me to get a new car, or look into getting it fixed.”
“My cat is getting older and she has had such a good life and brought time so much joy, it may be her time to go to the heavens”
“I am opening myself up for a job that allows me to thrive and grow- and then I can buy a new car”

The One missing ingredient to true love is Acceptance of What is…..Acceptance of Yourself.

True love is loving yourself when:

You are fat
You are skinny
You are beautiful
You look a little ragged
You are annoying
You are tired
You are funny
You are rich
You are poor
You are having a bad day
Your car is broken and you are kvetching about life

On this Heart Healthy Month, this White and Red themed Heart-centered Valentines, sweetheart and Love ladened month, take a moment if you will and look at your life through Acceptance.
And there you will find True Love.