8 Simple Ways to Detox Your Body

Detoxing your body doesn’t have to be difficult. Make these 8 simple changes and start noticing the difference right away!

1. Replace one meal a day with a detoxifying smoothie/juice

This is an easy, non-extreme way to detox your body. I suggest switching our breakfast for a morning smoothie. It helps to kickstart your metabolism and digestive system.

Try this recipe


2 large bananas
2 cups spinach
½ an apple chopped
1 tbsp Flaxseed
½ cup fresh almond milk (For Instructions Click HERE)
1 cup sliced strawberries


Blend all the ingredients together and enjoy.

2.  Drink more water

The importance of drinking water can never be overstated.  This is by far the easiest and most effective way to clean your body. Water naturally flushes toxins, helping your organs to function properly and giving you clearer skin.  Eight glasses of water a day should be a minimum amount, try to keep the intake up!

3. Replace coffee with green tea.

Green tea still contains caffeine and will give you the boost you need in the morning. Green tea offers so many antioxidants and health benefits that you don’t want to miss out on. It also helps us lose weight in the long-term.

4. Sweat it out.

Do something every day that makes you sweat. Sweating allows your body to release toxins. Up your exercise routine and make yourself move every day. Or sit in a steam room/sauna. Maybe take a hot, Epsom salt bath. Just make sure you are sweating!

5. Get more sleep.

While we are sleeping our bodies are repairing themselves from the day’s activities. Our brains and processing all that we saw, learned, experienced. Our bodies are recovering from any harmful toxins it came in contact with. We need sleep to be healthy.

6. Cut out simple carbohydrates.

This is easy. There are so many alternatives to white bread, rice, pasta etc. Try quinoa or brown rice, Ezekiel bread, sprouted bread. All of these alternatives will help your digestion, help your blood sugar, help you in so many ways.

We all love the starchy comfort of white bread and pasta, but its time to make the change!

7. Listen to your body.

It is amazing how far listening to your body can take you. When you eat something, see how your body reacts. Your body will react. It can either be positive or negative. If you eat fruits and veggies and feel energized, then eat more. If you eat bread and pasta and feel tired, bloated, sluggish then cut it out of your diet. Your body is unique and only you can tell what it really needs.

8. Eat more fiber in its natural form

Fiber not only leaves you feeling more full and satisfied but it helps your digestion system release any built up toxins. Our digestive tract is responsible for moving everything that comes in to our body out of our body. This process is difficult and a lot of times our digestive tract gets stuck with leftover food etc. that it never really cleans out. Getting enough fiber and “going to the bathroom” every day is very important for your health.

If you have a lot of issues with this, try a digestive supplement like Digestive Bitters. They are full of nutrients that will naturally help you release any toxins stored in your body.