Three Steps to Looking and Feeling Younger

Our skin is the largest organ in our body and is the biggest indicator of our health. It’s also the first visible sign of aging, but by following these steps you can help slow down and even reverse the signs of aging naturally!

 Follow these 3 steps to look and feel younger:


Our diet plays a huge role in how well we age. Fortunately, we can outsmart aging by improving our diet, cutting out foods that enhance aging, and eating more foods that slow it down.

One of the worst foods for the aging process is processed sugar. Overeating sugar throughout your life can increase and accelerate aging. This process is known as glycation. The sugar in your body attaches to proteins and forms harmful molecules called AGEs. It creates more adjacent proteins that damage the collagen and elasticity of the skin. A lack of collagen leads to wrinkles and sagging skin.

Eat your probiotics! Probiotics have been shown to restore acidic skin pH levels and improve skin barrier function. Truth Bar, a prebiotic and probiotic filled nutrition bar, are a great way to take care of yourself from the inside by providing the nutrients to give you flourishing gut health and make your skin shine on the outside.


 Getting 10 to 15 minutes of sunshine each day is all you need to get the benefits of vitamin D. In fact, 10 to 15 minutes of sunshine, with no sunscreen on, is a good thing. But any more than that can cause free-radical damage and sunspots as well as premature aging.

Continue to avoid excessive sun exposure, even with a healthy diet. This is something that we have been told over and over again, yet most of us fail to listen.

We fail to believe that a sunburn from a day at the beach will have any effect for us 5 years down the road, but it will. It will have a big effect. Wear natural sunscreen anytime you go outside whether it is in your moisturizer or in your makeup.


A well-rested body can look years younger. Snoozing a minimum of 8 hours a night in the prime hours of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep between the hours of 9 p.m. and 12 a.m. will help you get the best anti-aging sleep. Going to bed late does not help eliminate wrinkles —in fact, it adds years to your appearance.

 Our body detoxes when it sleeps. Getting enough sleep is very important in maintaining the appearance of our skin. While we are sleeping our body has time to rest and heal itself. Our skin cells are constantly renewing themselves and while we are sleeping they replenish and rebuild themselves.

These 3 steps are simple strategies that can be implemented TODAY. If you want to refresh your body, reduce wrinkles, and sparkle brighter, learn more about The Luxury Spa Healing & Beautifying programA retreat designed for the pampering you deserve. Reduce inflammation in the food, moving the body, expressing fluid from the lymphatic system. Click here for more information: Luxury Spa Healing And Beautifying Retreat In Costa Rica.



Diana Stobo